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Globalization is a process of integration and interaction among the people, governments and business entities of different nations. Many see globalization as an economic phenomenon. The process is driven by international trade, investment and capital flows. But it has effects on the environment, culture, political systems, economic development and prosperity, and physical well-being of the societies around the world. Societies across the globe have established progressively closer contacts over many centuries. Earliest forms of globalization existed during Mongol Empire which is an interconnected trade routes(Silk Road) extends over 5000 miles on land and sea and connects China, ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, India and Rome. Global integration continued through expansion of European trade in 16th and 17th centuries when Portuguese and Spanish empires reached to all corners of the world. Globalization becomes a business phenomenon when first multinational company, Dutch East India ...

Pre-LPG Era

It is LPG(Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization) era in India. It started in early 1980's with pro-business measures like removing restrictions on capacity expansion, price controls and reducing corporate taxes. Second phase of liberalization started in early 1990's which ended many public monopolies and allowed foreign direct investment in many sectors. After independence from British colonial rule in 1947, India opted a socialist economy with government control over private sector participation, foreign trade and foreign direct investment. This economic policy aimed to substitute products which India imports with locally produced substitutes, industrialization, state intervention in labour and financial markets, a large public sector, business regulation and centralized planning. It expected the creation and growth of capital and technology intensive heavy industries as well as subsidizing manual, low skill collage industries simultaneously. Jawaharlal Nehru, who ...


After the invasion of Alexander in 327 B.C., there was a period of confusion and anarchy in ancient India. The country was consists of numerous self serving Kings. People were loosing nationalistic pride and forgetting proud history of their ancestors. Country needed a leader of exceptional ability and vision. A person capable of bringing back enthusiasm and new life to the people. A person to lead them to resist the cultural invasion by the Greeks. At this time of need, a man came forward. He was fearless, compassionate to the poor and evil to the deceit. He never forget his purpose, live a simple life, uninterested in high position, and accomplished his purpose. He was Chanakya . Chanakya lived during the period 350-275 B.C. He was the mastermind behind the creation of Maurya Empire. He is also known as Kautilya . His given name was Vishnugupta . He wrote Arthasasthra , a book about statecraft and economic policy and Nithisastra , a book about ideal way of living for every individu...

State of Indian Economy

Indian economy is growing fast in last few years. Growth of 9.0% in 2005-2006 and 9.2% in 2006-2007 in GDP. The share of agriculture in GDP is continuously declining and is 18.5% now. The share of industry(26.4%) and services(55.1%) are increasing. Services contributes 68.6% of overall growth in GDP in last five years. Contribution of industry is less than half of the contribution from services. But industrial sector growth is 10% in 2006-2007. At the same time service sector grows 11.2% and agriculture sector growth is only 2.7%. What is this numbers means? Two-third of the population of India living in rural areas and depends of agriculture. The recent growth in economy did not improve their lives. Investment in irrigation, better seeds, better yield and productivity gains are required to revitalize the agriculture sector. The growth of electricity, gas and water supply is only 5 to 7 % in last five years. That is not good enough for an economy growing at this pace. But the growth in...

State of the Indian Union

The world's largest democracy and second most populous country has emerged as a major power after centuries of colonial barbarianism which virtually bankrupt the country. After independence in 1947, India tried centralized planning and controlled economy. Government controlled quota regime which says what and how much has to be produced constrained the economic growth and investment. The economic reforms started in 1980's produced a burgeoning urban middle class and has made great strides in fields such as information technology. Its large, skilled workforce makes it a popular choice for international companies seeking to outsource work. India launches its own satellites and plans to send a spacecraft to the moon. India also boasts a massive cinema industry, the products of which are among the most widely-watched films in the world. As a country of over a billion people with one-third of the population under the age of 15 and median age just under 25 it has the best as...

What is Humanity?

Humanity is the human race, which includes everyone on Earth. It’s also a word for the qualities that make us human, such as our ability to reason, our capacity for compassion, and our creativity. Here are some of the qualities that are often associated with humanity: Reason : Humans are capable of rational thought and decision-making. We can use our reason to solve problems, make plans, and understand the world around us. Compassion : Humans are capable of feeling empathy and compassion for others. We can understand the suffering of others and want to help them. Creativity : Humans are capable of creativity. We can use our imagination to create new ideas, art, and technology. Morality : Humans have a sense of morality. We believe in right and wrong, and we try to act in accordance with our moral beliefs. Altruism : Humans are capable of altruism. We can put the needs of others before our own, even when it is not in our best interests. These are just some of the qu...