Through out history humans have been fighting long and bloody wars for land, resources, religion, and ideology. Wars have caused death, destruction, and suffering on a massive scale. They have also led to great political and social changes in the world. Humans are naturally aggressive animals. We have evolved to fight for resources, territory, and mates. We have a strong fight-or-flight response, which can make us more likely to fight when we feel threatened. Humans also fight for social reasons. We may fight to defend our beliefs, our group, or our honor. We may also fight to achieve a goal, such as gaining power or territory. Our social relationships can also play a role in conflict, as we may fight to protect our friends and family, or to gain status in our group. There are many people who are peaceful and non-violent. However, conflict is a natural part of human society, and it is likely that humans will continue to fight for many years to come. In the past we fought for: Land...
An open discussion about past, present and future of Humanity.