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Showing posts with the label Consciousness

Personal Power

Personal power refers to the ability to influence one's life, decisions, and actions and influence others. Personal power is associated with self-awareness, confidence, charisma, and expertise. There are different types of personal power. Internal Power : Derived from self-confidence, emotional resilience, and a strong sense of identity. External Power : Influence over others or situations, often tied to leadership, communication, or expertise. Positional Power : Comes from roles, titles, or positions. Internal Power Internal power is the strength and resilience within you to navigate challenges, maintain composure, and stay true to your values. Knowing your strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs is fundamental to internal power. Internal power equips you to learn from mistakes, adapt to change, and maintain a positive outlook even in difficult times. Internal power allows you to manage your reactions and avoid making rash decisions based on emotions. Internal power ...


Self-awareness is the ability to understand your own thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and motivations. It is like looking at yourself in a mirror, but instead of seeing your physical appearance, you are seeing your inner world.   Some key aspects of self-awareness: Understanding your emotions : Recognizing and understanding your feelings, both positive and negative.   Knowing your values : Understanding what is important to you and what drives your actions.   Recognizing your strengths and weaknesses : Being aware of your abilities and areas where you can improve.   Understanding your behavior : Understanding why you act the way you do and how your actions affect others.   The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle is a spiritual guide that encourages readers to live fully in the present moment. It emphasizes that suffering arises from dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, rather than being present. Tolle introduces the concept of the "inner observer", a stat...


Human consciousness is a complex phenomenon that generally refer to the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings. Consciousness encompasses a wide range of mental phenomena, including thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and memories. One of the key features of human consciousness is its subjectivity. Each individual's experience of consciousness is unique and private. We cannot directly experience the consciousness of others. This makes it difficult to study consciousness scientifically, as we are limited to our own subjective experiences. Another important feature of human consciousness is the qualitative experiences of consciousness, such as the redness of red, the pain of a toothache, or the smell of coffee. They are difficult to define or explain. It is one of the main challenges for the scientists to study consciousness. Despite the challenges, there has been significant progress in our understanding of consciousness in recent years. Scientists have ide...