Human intelligence is the mental capacity to learn, reason, understand, and adapt to new situations. Intelligence and knowledge are related but distinct concepts. Knowledge is accumulating facts, information, and skills acquired through experience, education, or study. Intelligence is the ability to acquire knowledge, apply knowledge, think critically, solve problems, and adapt to new situations. Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge and intelligence effectively to make sound judgments, understand the bigger picture, and act ethically. Philosophers and scientists have debated the concept of intelligence for centuries. There is no single agreed-upon definition, but it refers to a wide range of cognitive abilities. Plato (c. 428-348 BCE) believed intelligence was the ability to grasp ideal forms, the perfect versions of things that exist beyond the physical world. Aristotle (384-322 BCE) saw intelligence as the ability to reason logically and draw sound conclusions. Immanuel Kant (...
An open discussion about past, present and future of Humanity.